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Steam Methane Reformers

The petrochemical industry relies heavily on the supply of hydrogen for efficient production and continuous operation.  These units may be located within a refinery or off-site by an over-the-fence supplier. Hydrogen plants are essential for maximum refinery production, making any outages highly undesirable and expensive.

Umicore’s DNX® catalyst is specifically designed for high DeNOx performance in reformer applications.  With extensive experience from close to 100 references, Umicore is acknowledged as a market leader in SCR catalyst for reformers.  A high level of experience is essential for designing catalyst systems that can tolerate deactivation from chrome poisoning.

Your contact person

North America, South America
Klavs Beldring

Klavs Beldring

Global Market Coordinator
T: +45 2389 6469
Ross Smith

Ross Smith

Sales Manager
T: +1 281 684 9392
Steven Xu

Steven Xu

Sales Manager
T: +86 1391 1984 929